Celebration of Youth 2007 

Contest winners and honorable mentions are listed to the right!!!

In the spring of 2007, Global Harmony Through Personal Excellence, Inc. held it's 20th annual Celebration of Youth essay contest. Click here for the contest guidelines. This was the essay question:

Our attitudes and actions affect our own lives as well as the lives of those around us.

We as individuals are not making a better world when we are mean, exclude others, bully people, turn away from doing what we know is right, or give up on ourselves by denying our ability to influence a situation.

Every one of us makes a difference by what we say and do.

Write about a specific experience from your own life which shows you that your attitude and behavior can contribute to goodness in our world - or take away from it.

Winners and honorable mentions are listed to the right. Winning essays will be posted below at a future date.

At the awards ceremony for the winners and honorable mentions on May 22, the winners read their essays and received their prizes, letters of congratulations and certificates. 





























 © Global Harmony Through Personal Excellence, Inc.